Hi, We are Iris and Abby!!

We love slime and love people too. We wanted to make this business to make people happy.  I hope you like this business. 

If you have a complaint or a suggestion email us at GumGumBearsSlime@gmail.com.


Hi! I am Abby and I love slime. I wanted to make this business because I love people, slime, and my best friend, Iris. We both love slime so we had this great idea to make a slime business! We had to work hard to make it happen but we did it pretty well. Now, about me. I am nine years old and make slime almost every single day. I get great tips from my sister and love it! I experiment different things and see what works the best! I live in Pacific Grove California and my specialty is mixing slime and getting amazing slime and amazing colors. I have two dogs and a little white house. My family is awesome support in this business and I am very lucky for that. They are helping me by even being apart of Gum Gum Bears. I am super excited to be in this business so make sure to support us.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius auctor commodo. Vestibulum tempus nibh nec commodo condimentum. Curabitur cursus quam vel lorem volutpat tempus. Sed nec nulla in orci auctor dictum ut ac justo. Pellentesque ultricies, nisl sed gravida auctor, lectus eros suscipit tortor, sit amet pretium odio odio.